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» Intelligent performance, change, goal setting, success «

Thomas, who is continental Europe’s foremost keynote speaker, revolutionized extreme mountain climbing (see CLIMBER) at just 20 years of age. In the same year he also delivered his first motivational speech for IBM in Monaco — a place he has since made his home.

Three decades and more than 900 keynote speeches later, he is still a highly active climber and, being fluent in four languages, continues to inspire audiences around the world. Not simply with his passionate pleas for performance, but rather because of his desire for a “new approach” to what he calls “intelligent performance” — that helps people burn brighter, on a longer trajectory, without burning out.

» his desire for a “new approach” to performance «

Three decades and more than 900 keynote speeches later, he is still a highly active climber and, being fluent in four languages, continues to inspire audiences around the world. Not simply with his passionate pleas for performance, but rather because of his desire for a “new approach” to performance — one to help people burn brighter, on a longer trajectory, without burning out. An approach grounded in self-awareness and personal responsibility. One aimed at fulfilling inner-motivated passion rather than outer-directed goals centered on short-term success and rapid wealth acquisition alone — goals that, inevitably, become higher-set and ever-more elusive.


The key to performance in Thomas’ speeches

In Thomas’ world of thinking, goals are set with a focus on the present, and on the quality of each step on the unique journey that is one individual human life. Thomas’ speeches are centered around, and richly informed by examples of his own breathtaking success, but also by near-catastrophic personal failure and crisis. His quest is relentless. To translate his experiences into conclusions everyone can relate to. To inspire audiences with simple, practical ways in which to bring out the best in themselves. To enable people to overcome their setbacks and, importantly, to learn from them. To prevent inner stagnation — and career standstill.

To fulfill personal potential, step by step. Above all, to encourage individuals to grow in everyday life — every day of their lives.

For more information:

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Each client is different: Bespoke speeches

Each of Thomas’ speeches is tailored to match the needs and subject matter of his particular client’s conference.

His presentations are supported, in a considered way, by stunning photography and video footage of his own spectacular solo and team climbs – these serve both to highlight a particular point and to delight whole audiences (see PhotosVideos).

(Photo with Joseph Stieglitz)

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Time and again he is privileged to meet inspiring people like Nobel prize laureate Joseph Stieglitz or Germany’s leading neuro scientist Prof.Pöppel (Photo), with whom he discusses his theories and experiences on intelligent performance and growth.

But, most importantly, see for yourself how clients have been responding to Thomas’ speeches in the last 30 years.